Scrap Packs!

Scrap Packs!


At Plied, we use every last yard of our yarn. When we have mill ends that are too short to create a 40-yard bobbin, we make mini-bobbins for our Mend and Embellish kits. Right now we have a surplus of mini-bobbins, so we’re offering them in colorful scrap packs.

Each pack is approximately 85 grams and 360 yards, and all packs have a wide assortment of colors.

We think these packs are perfect for a Fixation Hat or a Sea Glass Hat—there’s plenty of yardage for either of these! They’re also great for visible mending, embroidery, log cabin knitting, pompoms, or tapestry weaving. Get creative!

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Ann Weaver Workshop Mitten Kit

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