Mend and Embellish Kits

Mend and Embellish Kits
Weaverknits has joined forces with Plied and Neighborhood Fiber Co. to create kits for your mending needs! Plied North Ave is an excellent yarn for darning and patching—it blooms beautifully to create strong, neat mends. Neighborhood Fiber Co. Loft is a fabulous yarn to use for duplicate stitch to cover stains, fix small holes or pulls, or just add bits of color and texture to your knits.
Each kit includes a swatch from my carefully curated collection of thrifted wool sweater that you can use to experiment with mending. No unmarred sweaters were harmed in making these swatches! All swatches are cut from sweaters that were purchased with significant stains and/or holes. Your swatch might have a hole or stain, or you might need to make a few of your own to mend!
Kit includes:
• darning egg
• tapestry needle
• 3 bobbins Neighborhood Fiber Co. Loft (60% kid mohair/40% silk), approx 25yd each
• 6 bobbins Plied North Avenue (100% wool), approx 15yd each
• thrifted wool sweater swatch for mending