Penn Ave TWIST—Gentrification

Penn Ave TWIST—Gentrification


A mix of Red and Purple

Does your city have neglected, poor neighborhoods?Consider them an opportunity! Investors and developers can buy them up and renovate them, drawing more affluent residents into the area. Property values will skyrocket, and so will taxes, displacing the previous poor residents. This color was developed as a companion toRedlineand is Ann's tribute to Baltimore'sReservoir Hillneighborhood.

100% non-superwash wool; 2-ply woolen spun; worsted weight
108 yd/98 m per 1.75 oz/50 g skein

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Penn Ave TWIST—Nyaa!

Penn Ave TWIST—Nyaa!

Penn Ave TWIST—Windup Space

Penn Ave TWIST—Windup Space

Penn Ave TWIST—Edgar

Penn Ave TWIST—Edgar

Penn Ave TWIST—The Black Butterfly

Penn Ave TWIST—The Black Butterfly

Penn Ave TWIST—Poe

Penn Ave TWIST—Poe
